Saturday, 5 March 2016



It seems that I’m classified but I have no idea what it may mean. The question is – how to interpret my category? 

I will show few examples.

1. First example kit of one of my relatives

He is put in category:  
6. ...>Z282>Z280>CTS1211-B>YP1019-A-x (YP4969,YP4970 not tested, Big Y needed)
What does it tell me?
- he is confirmed YP1019, so no YP1019 is recommended.
- by being YP1019 he is also certainly CTS1211, Z280, Z282 etc.
- “-x” means that he is unclustered (not undoubtedly close and fitting to any other member under YP1019 by his Y-STR results). –x1, -x2, -y would mean that  his belonging to YP1019 is likely but still uncertain. Further testing would be necessary.
- his belonging to known sub-branches of YP1019 (YP4969 and YP4970) is possible but they aren’t available for order as single SNPs yet. So, they aren’t either tested or recommended.

  - only Big Y is available to refine classification. It’s the best thing you can order, because it tests existing SNPs and searches for new ones.

2. Second example – totally random kits belonging to project members.

One of the numerous cases here – kits placed in some umbrella-category like: 
4. ..>Z282>PF6155>M458>PF7521>CTS11962(?)>L1029(?) (67 STRs and Big Y or R1a-Backbone SNP Pack needed)

What does it tell me?
- they are probably L1029 according to innovations found in their Y-STR results
- by being L1029, they are also CTS11962, PF7521, M458, PF6155 etc.

a) R1a-Backbone SNP Pack – this pack tests dozens of SNPs under M458 (and L664, Z93 etc.) and it’s nice to refine classification (although it tests only some of the known SNPs)
b) 67 Y-STR markers – it may be recommended for those who did only 12 markers, to possibly get some matches of genealogical relevance (although it’s complicated in fact). In my opinion, Y-STR markers in bigger amount aren’t really useful in case of M458 and some certain other branches.
If you have done at least Y-37 and you are placed under those popular branches under M458 – don’t bother yourself with ordering Y-67 (or more) unless you really want to.
In most cases, it’s much better to order an SNP Pack than additional Y-STR markers.
c) Big Y – as stated previously – the best way to get an idea about your placement. You get very precise sub-branch, your own SNPs. There is only one drawback – it’s expensive

Other examples of such umbrella-categories from our project:

 Similar case. Results are placed in category: 6. ...>Z282>Z280>CTS1211-x1 Unclustered (CTS1211 not tested, Big Y or Z280 SNP pack needed) and 6. ...>Z282>Z280>CTS1211-y Unclustered (CTS1211 not tested, more STRs and Big Y or Z280 SNP pack needed)

What does it tell me?
- results probably belong to CTS1211 branch according to their Y-STRs but it’s not possible to guess their further placement under CTS1211. Some further actions are needed.

a) CTS1211 (or Z280) – order one of those SNPs and if it comes positive – order Z280 SNP Pack
b) you may order Z280 SNP Pack directly and as a result - got nice placement under CTS1211 for less.
NOTICE: It can be risky but the risk often pays off. There is often a low possibility that those results (which are not confirmed Z280) belong to some really rare Z93 or Z284 sub-branches due to the homoplasy of Y-STR markers. We certainly do our best to minimize such risk but some cases are “hopeless”.
c) as always, Big Y is the best. In such case (unlike in case of SNP Pack), it doesn’t matter if you in fact belong to a different branch. Just pay and wait.

3. Third example kits that are not classifiable and not clustering

 Results are placed in category: Z1. Unassigned basic 37 STRs results [predicted or tested as M417+] (more STRs, R1a-Backbone SNP Pack or Big Y needed) PLEASE CONTACT ADMIN . Probably many of those people got discouraged by the lack of Y-STR matches, due to rarity of their Y-STRs or inconclusive matches. It’s a nonsense, since Y-STRs are sometimes unbelievably unstable and you may not match a person to which you are related in the last 500-1000 years ! You still may find (and will find) some related project members but you may have to spend on testing slightly more than usual.

What does it tell me?
- you are surely predicted as positive to SNP called M417. Don’t be happy, most of R1a bearers (like 98-99%) are positive to it.
- you may belong to some relatively rare (or very rare) sub-branch
- you probably belong to a relatively common sub-branch but in your case, Y-37 isn’t enough to make prediction (some Z93, Z284 and Z280 branches are quite close to each other at Y-37).

a) Y-STR markers - That’s the case when you actually may easily order more Y-STRs and it shouldn’t be a total waste of money.
b) R1a-Backbone SNP Pack – the best value-for-money ratio in this case. Highly helpful but you may need further testing if you actually fall under Z280 or Z284.
c) Big Y – I won’t repeat myself. It will solve all your problems but it’s costly. You may also give great contribution in refining whole tree if you belong to a rare, early offshoot of some branch.

4. Fourth example kits that are partially classifiable and not clustering.

Mostly placed under: Y. Unknown. M417+ [L664- M458-, Z284- predicted] (Big Y or R1a-Backbone SNP pack needed) but also under other “Y. Unknown” categories like Y. Unknown. M417+ [L664- Z284- predicted] (Big Y or R1a-Backbone SNP pack needed) etc. Many of those people are also discouraged by the lack of close matches but for the same reason as before – it’s a nonsense.

What does it tell me?
- you are surely predicted as positive to SNP called M417. Don’t be happy, most of R1a bearers (like 98-99%) are positive to it.
- you are almost certainly not M458, Z284 and L664. But you may still be located under CTS4385, Z283, Z282, Y2395, PF6155, Z280, Z93 etc.etc. Do I have to state all of the possibilities?
- you may belong to some relatively rare (or very rare) sub-branch

b) R1a-Backbone SNP Pack – the best value-for-money ratio in this case. Highly helpful but you may need further testing if you actually fall under Z280 or some other branches.
c) Big Y – It will solve all your problems but it’s costly. You may also give great contribution in refining whole tree if you belong to a rare, early offshoot of some branch.

4. Fifth example kits that are not classifiable but clustering.

Placed in categories “Yx” (where “x” is a number. For instance: Y1. Irish cluster Y1, Z280-, predicted M417+ L664- M458- Z284- (Big Y or R1a-Backbone SNP pack needed).That’s a rare situation, where project members make cluster but neglect further testing. 

So, here we go again.

What does it tell me?
- member of a cluster tested Z280 but it went negative
- you are surely predicted as positive to SNP called M417. Don’t be happy, most of R1a bearers (like 98-99%) are positive to it.
- you are almost certainly not M458, Z284 and L664. But you may still be located under CTS4385, Z283, Z282, Y2395, PF6155, Z280, Z93 etc.etc. Do I have to state all of the possibilities?
- you may belong to some relatively rare (or very rare) sub-branch

b) R1a-Backbone SNP Pack – the best value-for-money ratio in this case. Highly helpful but you may need further testing if you actually fall under Z93 or some other branches.
c) Big Y – It will solve all your problems but it’s costly. You may also give great contribution in refining whole tree if you belong to a rare, early offshoot of some branch.



I’ve joined the project and filled information about earliest known paternal ancestor.
Now I want to know where I was placed by administrators. I can do that by making few simple steps.

Firstly, you have to proceed to the project.

Then, choose “DNA Results” section.

There are few options to show Y-DNA results. I recommend choosing “Classic Chart


Now, you see a chart with results (names are censored by me, just in case) but it’s divided into many pages. Surfing through it would be quite tiresome, therefore I want to see all results in one, long page. It’s doable. 

To see all results set the number to 8000 and click ENTER (or a counterpart of this button on different devices). You will have to wait some time, dependable on your configuration,internet speed and condition of FTDNA servers
The browser may freeze, don’t worry – just wait.

OK, now I see everything. There are plenty of results here. How can I find the one I care about?

Well, the best option is to use “search” option available in every popular browser. It’s usually available after pressing a combination of “Ctrl” and “F”. In Chrome browser, special tool appears at the upper right. In Firefox browser – lower left. 

Now, type your kit number (or other identification, like surname of earliest known paternal ancestor if added and not too common). Press “ENTER” if necessary. Check if you typed everything correctly.

Great, I’ve found myself! But I have no idea what this category means. How to understand it?

See the next blog entry !