Friday, 16 October 2015

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to announce that first blog concerning R1a Y-DNA haplogroup has started.

I decided to open this blog to help people, who are for any reason interested in this haplogroup.

Up to now, info about haplogroup R1a was scattered through dozens of forums, websites and research papers. That caused searching for any valuable info to be inconvenient and available only for those, who have a lot of free time.

There is also another issue, that turned to be quite a reason to start with this site - FTDNA is still not user-friendly. Many customers need assistance on how to join a project, enter valuable genealogical data, change some other options that may have significance in searching for the roots. Writing thorough tutorials will not only save time of both staff members and ordinary members of R1a Project but also will contribute in understanding history of R1a and individual heritage.

I am entirely sure that everyone will benefit from that!

Are you either a bearer of R1a yourself, your relative is or you show a thirst for knowledge not knowing your haplogroup/you have different one - it all doesn't matter.
This blog will be just for you.


1 comment:

  1. It will be interesting to see where this (future) data takes us.
    I haven't been keeping up with the SNP designations ...
    My last real focus was in the days of "markers" when I traced my own markers back to the founding of the Indus Valley Civilization and then forward through the emergence of modern culture.
    Many of your readers will know the results via my book:
    "Grandpa Was A Deity: How a Tribal Assertion Created Modern Culture" []
    Forget the book -- R1a is probably one of the most important genetic groups in history.
    In the four years since publication, things have changed dramatically --I'm happy to say, many of the newer finding in both Archaeology and Genetics have supported, or expanded upon, the facts and inferred facts in the "Grandpa Was A Deity".
    Somewhere in the genetic tree presented here is a thread that carried the knowledge which created Stonehenge, the Pyramids, the Patriarch age code in the Book of Genesis, and gave rise to modern scientific and medical knowledge.
    Over time, your efforts, combined with those of our fellow R1a's, will illuminate that thread.
    Happy Blogging.
